Article Co-Authored by Nossa Familia Director of Coffee, Rob Hoos, Wins National Magazine Award

Article Co-Authored by Nossa Familia Director of Coffee, Rob Hoos, Wins National Magazine Award


An article co-authored by Nossa Familia’s own Rob Hoos, Director of Coffee, has been honored with a Maggie award. The article, entitled, ‘Can You Taste the Roasting System: Matching Roasting Profiles on Different Machines’ was written with coffee industry veteran Anne Cooper. The article appeared in the May/June 2019 issue of Roast Magazine. The article won the prestigious national magazine award for Best Signed Editorial.

Rob worked with the article’s co-author, Anne Cooper, to create a workshop called “Can You Taste the Roasting System (CYTTRS),” which has garnered praise from across the industry. The pair have offered the workshop for the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)’s Coffee Roasters Guild. This workshop and the triangulation experiments within it have proven that roast profile is the primary driver of coffee flavor, not the machine itself. This important work allows roasters to be more confident that they are in control of their coffee’s flavor, and to question the assertions made by roaster manufacturers about the impact of their roasting systems on flavor. Instead roasters can focus on choosing a roasting machine based instead of questions of customer service, build quality, pricing, support, environmental efficiencies and other innovations.


Rob is a leader in the industry when it comes to roasting science and innovation. In 2015, he published his first book, Modulating the Flavor Profile of Coffee: One Roaster’s Manifesto, which takes a deep dive into manipulating the flavor of coffee through varying the profile in roasting and investigates the sources of flavor development during the coffee roasting process. Much of Rob’s work revolves around questioning common dogmatic preconceptions within the coffee industry, particularly that a coffee roast’s flavor is dependent on the roasting machine itself.

View/download a PDF of the article here.

View the article at Roast Magazine.

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