We all know that the holidays can be hard. Once you enter adulthood, the intrinsic joy and merriment of the season can be eclipsed by the societal obligation to be jolly all the time, even when your car door is iced shut, there’s no parking at any New Seasons anywhere, and, well, November happened.
But say you can handle, or even enjoy, your neighbor’s 24/7 blinking holiday lights, Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” accosting you from every public speaker, and sitting through yet another year of watching Love Actually with your sobbing partner as they ask you why you don’t ever make them feel “perfect.”
The one thing no one escapes is buying presents. Luckily, Nossa Familia has you covered. Seriously--we have something for everyone, regardless of whether or not they drink coffee. But yeah, mostly if they drink coffee. Here’s a guide for our current gift offerings and who on your holiday gift list would appreciate them the most.
Perfect for: The person you don’t really know, but feel obliged to get something for. Think: your mail person, your dog walker, your concierge (if you live in the Pearl District), your child’s teacher, your cousin’s boyfriend’s sister who happens to be coming to Christmas for some reason. And if they don’t drink coffee, who cares? It’s the thought that counts, right? Also, perfect for a regift, if they’re desperate.

This is a simple, delicious bag of coffee at a mere $14. Plus, it’s a gift you can feel good about! 50 cents of each bag goes to support a giveback project to improve food and nutrition for the farmworkers at our partner farm in Nicaragua, Finca San Jose de las Nubes. It’s a blend of chocolatey dark roast and fruity light roast, so this coffee is sure to please anyone who has taste buds.
UpCycle Coffee Kit
Perfect for: your bike enthusiast father or your “outdoorsy” partner in your octagonal polyamorous relationship.

This is what we call “The Ultimate Gift!” This set comes with a bag of coffee, a travel friendly Aeropress coffee maker, a Miir travel mug, and a stylish bag made of upcycled excess elf shoe leather from the talented designers at Looptworks. The bag features a top carrying strap and backside leather buckle straps for hooking the bag onto your bicycle, razor scooter or sleigh handlebars. The back straps can also be fully removed if you choose to use it as a regular bag or man purse.
Perfect for: That person you want to “WOW,” but without spending too much money. Think: non-immediate family, In-laws, your good friend (but not your best friend), your boss

Really, how can you go wrong giving literally anyone this set? A bag of coffee and a beautiful handmade ceramic mug, made by local ceramacist Scott Taylor. It’s thoughtful in the sense that you’re saying, “Hey, I got you something special. It’s handmade and local,” and more personal than a giftcard to Starbucks.
Perfect for: Your elderly neighbors and tell them to drink it as they watch you shovel their driveway. Or, keep it in your cabinet at home and brew it for your uncle after he’s had a few too many eggnogs at Christmas dinner and won’t shut up about the plague of liberal millennials on our country.

This set includes a bag of our Festa Holiday Blend and a jar of Winter Waltz tea from Metolius Tea (out of Bend, OR). This gift is as festive as it gets. It’s like having sugar plum fairies dance all over your taste buds. The Winter Waltz tea is a merry combination of hand-picked twisted black tea leaves, chocolate and orange, spiced with cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, and decorated with pink peppercorns and chrysanthemum blossoms, all pooped out by a partridge in a pear tree.
Guatemala Finca San Jeronimo Miramar Coffee Box Set

Perfect for: The coffee connoisseur in your life--the one who scoffs at you for putting gingerbread creamer in your coffee and always tries to get you to taste the “subtle floral, yet sweet caramel undertones” of their single origin Kenyan coffee, washed processed using the tears of rehabilitated zebras
This limited-edition coffee box set includes four different cultivars of coffee from the same farm, Finca San Jerónimo Miramar in Guatemala. They’ve all been grown and processed in similar ways, so this “cultivar separation” set will allow you to taste the nuances between different types of coffee. One of the four is the ever-prized and uber-expensive Geisha varietal. At $30, this is the perfect gift for that hard-to-buy-for family member or friend.
And there you have it! Just remember, the holidays will be over in January. Then all you have to worry about is the future of our country for the next four years.
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