Starting in 2020, bi-annual reviews for all staff are to be completed within the new Review Windows.
The Review Windows are:
#1 - January 1st to Feb 15th.
-- any changes to wage or salary effective at the beginning of the first pay period in March.
#2 - July 1st - August 15th
-- any changes to wage or salary effective at the beginning of the first pay period in September.
But Why?
This window has been designed to improve ease and equity in the review process.
We hope that by implementing this window we will achieve three things:
1) Staff will know when they are going to receive their review and can prepare accordingly. They will also receive any raises at the same time as their peers, regardless of how late in the window they receive their review.
2) Managers will plan ahead for the review window. One on Ones are a great time to schedule reviews. This window will help managers prioritize scheduling their reviews and completing them without prolonging the process for themselves or their direct reports.
3) Administrative staff will receive reviews on a rolling basis and be able to implement wage changes and documentation of reviews all at once instead of making changes every two weeks as reviews roll in.
Documents You Might Need:
- Employee Self Review Form — Your employee will fill this one out for themselves and bring it to the review and/or send it to you before the review happens.
- Managers Form for Employee’s Review — You’ll fill this form out and use it to guide your review conversation.
All completed review forms should be sent to HR to be saved in the employee’s file.