Health Agreement Policy - Warehouse Only

Health Agreement Policy - Warehouse Only

Another fun one from Will:

You are receiving this email because there is a new
Policy, Practice, or Guideline that affects your role or responsibilities within the company!
cGMP Employee Health Agreement Policy
All personnel (Nossa Familia, Central City Concern, etc) operating within the roasting facility (3530 NW Saint Helens Rd) are required to sign the Employee Health & Hygiene Agreement. Signees of this agreement mustreport symptoms of, or diagnosis with foodborne illnesses to the Plant Manager, William Schaefer.
The Plant Manager has discretion to restrict or exclude symptomatic employees from work at the facility.
Employees who exhibit outlined symptoms may return to work 24 hours after last symptom. Employees diagnosed with a listed foodborne illnesses will require approval from a medical professional before returning to work.

Policy Effective : 11/05/2019
Policy Owned by : William Schaefer

If you have questions please contact

Employee Health Agreement Policy